Message from our beloved School Administrator
Jonas C. Javier, MBA

This year, we have encountered a pandemic that affected the lives of the Filipino People, and of the world. We are saddened by the fact that we aren’t able to celebrate your incredible journey in this institution as our beloved learners. Nevertheless, we don’t want this pandemic to stop us from showing the world, your achievements, hard work, and grace.

Over the years we’ve spent together in this institution, we experienced many highs and lows; but together, we were able to pass through all that. and with the institution’s hand, your efforts, our beloved parents’ support, we all moved forward, and will continue to do so.

This year, I want to congratulate you all for your earnest years, and achievements. To our students in the honor roll, that has proven themselves as the agile leader of the batch. For all of you that has achieved great heights while pursuing your dreams one by one. Big or small, we, your Holy Child Academy family is proud of you, your achievements and success.

I want to also take this opportunity to thank our beloved parents, for their unwavering support and trust in our institution, words cannot express my deepest appreciation and gratitude for your continued support and involvement in our school. Thank you too, to our pride and glory, our faculty teachers, who worked hard to fulfill their profession with passion, and have provided our students with a challenging and safe place to excel and succeed. You have navigated the challenges of change and the unknown and never wavered in your commitment to our students and school. To our Parent-Teacher-Association, for their efforts. To our staffs, who had their fill of the work. And to our GOD Almighty for His guidance, love, blessings, and support.

This is one of the most memorable years that will be written in the seventy-five years of history of this institution in the service of Bustosenyos. We are also celebrating the end, and the beginning of a colorful journey ahead of us. This class has led in pride, joy, determination, and efforts, and the future will reward you for that. The class 2019-2020 is our pride and joy, may you all strive to earn a bright future not only for yourselves but for the world. May you become the future’s ace towards change. May you be able to lead with constitution and affirmation. To identify what’s right and wrong not only for the minority, but as a whole. May you continue to develop your hearts and open your hands to those in need. May you live in the name of GOD and his will. May your journey in this institution always remind you of home, and of family, as we are one, forever and always.

Glorify God in whatever things you will do! Soli Deo Gloria!
