Lyka Niña C. Marcelo

Lyka Niña, sixteen years old. Hailing from Cambaog, Bustos, Bulacan. Previously, she finished her primary education in Cambaog, which her roots reside at. Currently, Lyka serves as the treasurer for the Junior High School Division. When she was asked to impart a few things about her, and her tenure as an officer, she said: “I don’t really want to get ahead of myself. When I was in elementary, I’m the sort of kid that receives many awards from different aspects. But when I was thrown into a vast environment like Holy Child Academy has, I have improved so much that I can hardly recognize my past self. Sure, there’s still the awards, but—what’s change is the fact that I have more people that are relying on me, not just my schoolmates, but the people whom I consider my precious friends. I believe that no one is really ‘qualified’, per se for the position, but as a team, we can accomplish a lot, and do so much more.”

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