Eddie L. Busangilan

Eddie is currently a Grade 10 representative/senator for the Junior High School Division. “Back then, I was a Boy Scout leader—it actually proved a lot more difficult than it should be—considering that I was a shy boy back then. It didn’t really matter to me where I’d go to school, it was the same for me back then, until my elder sister introduced Holy Child Academy to me. Holy Child Academy was a bigger hurdle for me, I was shy, the school was big, and there’s absolutely no one I know. Slowly, I began to change myself for the better, joining the CAT, and becoming a officer. Undeniably, I still have a stage fright, but I see to it that it doesn’t impair me in my tasks as an SSG officer as well. I want to be able to be someone that people can rely on—someone that they’ll be able to run to for help, and with my team, and our competent, and ever-supporting administration, I believe that I can do just that.”

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