Adrian G. Jimenez

The president of the Junior High School’s division is a man of virtue. He embodies perseverance, and the character, leadership, and excellence fitting for someone who has undergone through the HCA curriculum. The SSG team asked him to tell a few things about his journey, he said: “I’m Adrian; I lived in Tibagan, Bustos, Bulacan. I am fifteen years old and I have an older sister, Michelle Anne Jimenez. I graduated in Tibagan Elementary school. Way back 2016; we had decided to enroll in Holy Child Academy. Some of my relatives also did study and graduate here. The first time I went in Holy Child Academy, it gave me an uncomfortable feeling because of the new surroundings, but as time went by; it grew on me, and I treated HCA as my second home. In the ‘16-‘17 term, I was elected as one of the senators/representative for the grade 7. I ran for this position because I want to help my fellow students in the activities of the school, in which I got my very first conduct award. In the next school year, I carried the task of classroom president and as a grade 8 senator, and in this year, I grabbed the opportunity to join the Cadet Officer Leadership Training (COLT), aiming to learn how to be a good leader and a good example for everyone. The fruits of my efforts and sacrifices gain me a conduct and academic excellence award. In the following year, I was blessed enough to become a full-fledged  C.A.T. Officer, a 2nd Lieutenant Officer, imparting my knowledge, and instilling the core values to my school mates and COCC. In the succeeding year, I’ve got the Rank Cadet Coronel, I don't know why they chose me but maybe they chose me because they saw something in me that I couldn’t. This time, I ran as a President of SSG owing to the fact that I want the school year to be different and great, I want them to take the opportunity to give their opinions and correct the wrong doings or habit of the other students. Summing it up, not everything that had happened in my life is good. Having my difficulties, and mostly hard times, I got shy, scared, and was involved in pranks that can be considered as going too far—however, I still strive and try to overcome all of it, and still working with it up until now. There are some times that I want to stop, that I want to give up on everything; but with the guidance of God, I feel more empowered now, believing in my own capabilities, saying that whatever you’re going through right now, whether it’s good or bad, just don't give up because it all ends, be yourself and always Pray.”

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